Monday, June 6, 2011

Day 1. What is Righteousness? Why pursue it? Does it matter? How does one pursue it? I'm starting a journey and would like to document it in some way, a public way. As I shared this pursuit with my wife she suggested that I blog. Upon further research I learned two things, one blogging is pretty easy and straight foreword, and two she (my wife) has become quite computer savvy. So here it goes, one day at a time, sharing this process of choosing righteousness. 

Please allow me to start off by sharing a little about myself. I am married with two young children (girl 3, boy 1). I am an engineer with a type "A" personality to match, which loosely translated means that I am a nerd whose attempt at humor is often misunderstood. I am a flawed human being who is attempting daily to turn to God and be more and more Christ like. Therefore, in my daily effort to be more Christ like, you could call me a Christian (Defined as a person who believes in Jesus Christ and follows his teachings). Although, as it relates to my wife and kids, I have struggled with what it means to lead them to be more like Jesus, to follow his teachings, and to model the example of Jesus to my family and others. In many ways I have failed, and I desperately want to correct my past wrongs and make the necessary corrections for the future. It has been easy for me to blame the failings of "religion" for what is going on in my life, but that did me no good. There is no perfect church as long as the churches are made up of imperfect people, myself being one of them. The truth of the matter is that my personal failings are the greatest hindrance to the relationship I desire with God. Therefore, to have the relationship that I desire with God, I must take responsibility for my own choices and make a daily decision to Choose righteousness! 

Matthew 6:33

New International Version (NIV)
33 But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.

More on what it means to Choose Righteousness to come...

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